Thursday, 3 November 2016

Going to Doncaster! - Channel 4 Pop-up Experience 2/11/16

I got the amazing opportunity to go to a Channel 4 event in Doncaster where I got put into a TV Production workshop, I was selected with 150 others from the country to attend this event. I really learned a lot on this day and I got the chance to show my talents and be more confident in myself. I also met a lot of inspiring and amazing personalities that has really helped with my networking skills.

I got the the chance to network with lots of people from Channel 4 and got lots of tips about the industry, including how to get into TV and where to start.

The challenge we were given was to create a 1-2 minute long film that related to something we were all passionate about. I got into a group of 5 with people I had never met, which came down to what roles we were interested in. I selected the role of 'Editor', but I also ended up creating the storyboard and was the camera operator.

To the right is a preview of one of the interviews we conducted and as we only had 2 hours to film and edit the film, it was quite a challenge to get good content and make it look good. The people I worked with were really great and only by chance we worked really well together, even though we had never met before. We took the hashtag YESICAN and made a film based on this theme, where we explored the idea of where you are born stopping you from reaching your dreams and gaining opportunities.

After making our films they screened them for all the Channel 4 judges, staff and other participants to view and above is a preview from the film that we made!

I also got the opportunity to hear from Channel 4 staff about how they got to where they were now and what struggles they faced. This was really inspiring as it opened my eyes to way that life can work out differently to how you might have planned it and this isn't always a bad thing. One of the main things I took away from this is that employers are mainly interested in the experiences you have instead of what you 'know'.

It turned out that as a team we actually won the competition they held and above is a picture of me and my team with one of the Channel 4 judges. This means that we get to go to Channel 4 HQ in London to go behind the scenes and meet with lots of producers and people in the industry. This is an amazing opportunity and I'm so excited to go to London, I wish I could do it all again!

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