Thursday, 27 October 2016

Banana Magnet Task - Animation/Graphic Design/Illustration Mashup!

For this task we were put into pairs, medium sized groups, then large groups to work up three different pitches.

My first pitch was as pair coming up with an Alien Suit that turned a human into an alien by water activation so they could observe other lifeforms. I found this quite challenging as a pair as we only had two of us to come up with a whole pitch, however it did go quite well as our idea was chosen as the best for our table to work on and pitch to the class! Working in a medium sized group worked reasonably okay, however sometimes the message got lost between the different people, this could be down to communication skills.

Our final pitch was 'Dog Latex', which the whole class had to work on together and after seeing everyone's pitches in the lecture theatre I think our class actually meshed the best. My part in the class was to make the little dog animations at the bottom of the screen and I also complied dog footage that other recorded to make a 30 second clip to go to the final edit to layer. I feel as though I had quite a large role in this task and surprised myself at how much I threw myself in and really got involved. This task was really enjoyable to me and I preferred to work in a large team where there were lots of ideas being thrown around and so many inspiring people around me.

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