Chloe Batchelor is an illustrator, animator and director and I really loved her work when I first saw it as it was so fun and vibrant! She is really great at designing different characters and this is a skill that I think I could improve in my self, so looking at inspiring artists such as Batchelor is great for research.
I looked at some of her sketches instead of just looking at her final pieces so that I could get some inspiration for my sketchbooks and her designs are really simple yet full of character.
I really like how she mixes up her shapes and sizes in the sketches and doesn't just stick to one style, these sketches I thought were really fun and when looking at other styles in the industry this seems to be quite popular. Below I have put another example of her sketches and I think they are so simple yet original, I really want to work on creating my own characters that are as silly and fun as hers. I have found she uses very simple hands and feet and this is also something I prefer as they aren't something I enjoy drawing in general!
Here are a few of her official pieces and I love the bold colours and colour schemes that she picks out as they seem to work really well wth the simple shapes she uses. The colours she uses aren't the generic colours that you would use, for example blue or purple hair, yet they make her art seem more much appealing and eye catching.
Finally, what I have notices about her work is the spray effect she uses to create shadow and I think this is a really effective way of adding shadows that aren't too harsh so this could be something that I try out for my self.
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