Saturday, 10 February 2018

PP3: Live Brief with Leeds Arts University

As the Leeds Arts Student Union put out an brief for a logo design, I wanted to give it a go as I had never done this kind of thing before and I felt the brief simple enough for me to give it a go.

The wanted a logo design for their buddy scheme and gave the buzzwords:
  • Welcoming
  • Inclusivity
  • Access
  • Valuing diversity
  • Sense of belonging
  • Community
  • Connections
  • Support
  • Friend
  • Mentor
  • Buddy
They also said:

We would very much like a ‘welcoming’ logo to brand the entire Buddy scheme that will go on online on the Union website and on Estudio, shared through emails and displayed physically on posters, flyers and the Unions Freshers advertising for 2018. 

So, I did a quick sketch in my sketchbook of two hands shaking and then drew this up in Photoshop. Below was my final design and I decided to put it as the University colours so that it would be more appropriate.

I also submitted some other designs as they said it would be good to see a little slogan with it.


And, would you believe I actually won this brief and they are to use my design in 2018 Freshers!
Here's the email stating they want me to also create them a poster, this was a great experience as I had no prior experience with building a logo before.